“I’m looking for a simple work schedule template. Do you have one that I can download?”
Excel spreadsheets can be used to create and print employee work schedules for small companies with only a few employees and shifts. If this is your situation, we offer a Weekly Employee Shift Schedule template that can be downloaded and used for free with Excel 2007.
With this scheduling template, you can create a weekly work schedule for up to 20 employees, 9 shifts, and print the resulting shift schedule for distribution. The work schedule template resembles a scheduling white board with employee names down the left, dates across the top, color coded cells representing assigned shifts. You define the employee names and hourly rates in the Employees worksheet, and input the shifts and shift durations in the Shifts worksheet. To assign a shift to an employee, simply click on the corresponding schedule cell and pick a shift from the drop-down list. Work hours and labor costs are automatically computed based on shift assignments and labor rates.
Master Your Shift Scheduling
Snap Schedule 365 Automates It All!
Discover the power of automatic shift callouts, open shift notifications, time off & overtime management.
While the Weekly Employee Shift Schedule Template is easy to use, it is only capable of scheduling employees one week at a time. As a spreadsheet template, it is limited by what Excel can do. If your scheduling needs are more than just creating a weekly work schedule, you should use our Snap Schedule Employee Scheduling Software.
Snap Schedule gives you visual tools for scheduling, reporting, and publishing work schedules. It alerts you of scheduling conflicts and helps you avoid unexpected overtime, overworked staff, and unfilled posts/positions. You can schedule employees based on position, skill, availability, cost, seniority, and other criteria. Snap Schedule’s extensive reports provide details on labor costs, vacation, time off, and key statistics. Keeping track of all your budgets, staff overtime, training, certifications, and the details of running your department is easy with Snap Schedule’s extensive reports. Quickly generate reports that keep you informed, and focus on what is important. Print, e-mail, and export work schedules and reports in PDF and a variety of formats.
Starting at only $450 USD for a single-computer license, Snap Schedule costs less than Microsoft Office Professional, yet it offers unmatched employee scheduling benefits and a rapid return on investment. To see how quickly Snap Schedule reduces the amount of time, resources and overall cost associated with employee scheduling, download and try Snap Schedule for FREE for 30 days like thousands have done!
Click here to download the Weekly Employee Shift Schedule template.